Monday, February 05, 2007

Monday Motivators: Winter Reflection

Monday Motivatorssm
Winter Reflection
Winter is a good time to look at where you are and where you want to go with your life. Below are keys to guiding your success.

Accept yourself as you are, at this moment. Accept your personal and professional/business situations just as they are at this point in time. You do not have to like or agree with things.

Become willing to change behaviors and attitudes that no longer work for you. Willingness precedes action. Appropriate action leads to desired outcomes.

Commit to doing whatever it takes to achieve desired outcomes. The most powerful form of commitment is being and doing your best. Then, you are able to better serve others.

Act with integrity, always in all ways. Integrity is a way of honoring yourself and others.

Look to your experiences, insights and preferences. You have your answers within you. Begin with yourself before “looking out there”. You already have a foundation on which to build.

Develop a plan of action you can live with and implement. Be realistic with time frames and any anticipated changes to your routines.

Take advantage of tools and resources available to you. Remember only you can make them work.

The following quote by Ernest Hemingway sums up an area that had caused me various challenges along my way.

“Never mistake motion for action”

There have been many times in the past when I would kvetch because I wasn’t getting what I wanted in my personal or professional life. I realized I had been in motion, though not always engaged in right, appropriate action. How about you? Are you on track? Or are you simply going through the motions?

Here is another quote that may help to put things into perspective.

“Success is experienced in the moments of your living.
Success is the accomplishment of what one sets out to do with their energy in
any given day.”
A Matter of Choice p. 279

In the Flow of Reflection,


© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
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