Thursday, January 31, 2008
Harness the Power of Enthusiasm!
Something new for 2008 is my gift to you of periodically offering excerpts from the How to Harness the Power of Your Enthusiasm! e-course, through this blog. You will also get tips and engage in activities designed to help you harness the power of your enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm focus for today: Exploring the question What is Enthusiasm?
(Some of the following information will serve as a refresher for long-time readers of this blog.)
Throughout the years I have come to discover enthusiasm is something everyone knows about through his or her own experiences. Yet, it is something the can be somewhat challenging to define in specific, concrete terms. Defining enthusiasm is an interesting process. If you ask 100 people you would most likely get 100 different answers. Some you would agree with; others you would not.
Since 1990 I have been collecting responses to five survey questions. Here are the overall Top 5 responses from Enthusiasm! program participants when asked, What is the first things that comes to mind when you think of enthusiasm?
1. Energy
2. Excitement/excited
3. Happy/happiness
4. Positive/positive attitude
5. Be/being…(with family, friends, enthusiastic people, etc.)
Perhaps it would be more appropriate to ask, How do you experience and express enthusiasm? Common responses to this question range from thoughts and feelings, to energy and excitement, to smiles and lust for life, with numerous things in between.
Additionally, enthusiasm is
…a dynamic energy experienced and expressed by a person in ways unique to them.
…wholistic. The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic aspects of your Beingness are affected.
…a force that can cause things to happen and people to move through challenges, fear, resistance and the veils of illusion.
And yet there is still so much more to it.
Are you wondering why we need to define enthusiasm? If you are wanting to harness the power of your enthusiasm, it helps to have clarity on what that might mean. Beginning to define what enthusiasm is, is one way to get clarity.
Optional Activity
(Note: You may want to have a notebook or journal handy.)
Set aside some time for reflection and contemplation on enthusiasm, daily if possible. Once you begin to feel relaxed:
. give yourself permission to open to your natural expression and experience of enthusiasm. You may want to do this several times a week in order to anchor it.
. notice where you feel your enthusiasm and how you experience it during this time of reflection and contemplation.
. ask or notice if there is a particular color associated with your enthusiasm.
. notice if there is a symbol that comes to mind.
Write or draw your insights from this time of reflection if it feels appropriate.
Next Step…
As you continue your exploration into How to Harness the Power of Your Enthusiasm!,
. Be with AWE!—Awareness: notice how you feel throughout your everyday experience; Willingness: be willing to open to exploring enthusiasm on many levels and in many ways; Expectation: expect to discover new and interesting insights into enthusiasm that you can harness in all areas of your life.
. Bring the color (or colors) associated with enthusiasm into your environment. Wear it if possible.
. If a symbol came to mind, then have the symbol, or a picture of it, where you can see it often.
May you enjoy your ongoing exploration of what enthusiasm is for you.
With Joy and Enthusiasm,
© 2008 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about how to Harness the Power of Enthusiasm!,
Antoinette is also available for interviews, speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Starting New Starting Fresh
We’re almost three weeks into the New Year. The invitation and prospect of starting new, starting fresh is still open to each of us. Of course, we may not know what lies ahead. It could be exciting and take us beyond out wildest dreams. It could be a little more of the same, perhaps with a slight twist. Or…
Whatever accepting the invitation brings, it will be easier if we follow the philosophy of one of my favorite authors:
I will work convinced that nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. To do anything today that is truly worth doing, I must not stand back shivering
and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in with gusto and scramble through as well as I can.
Also, consider how you might tap into your well of enthusiasm. Focus, especially on what causes you to be enthusiastic and where you find your source of enthusiasm, as you continue this exploration.
May you find great joy and enthusiasm as you reflect on the above for your personal and professional life. Know that I support you in taking one more step and then another and then...
© 2008 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It,
Antoinette is also available for interviews, speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Adventures of the New
We’ve just crossed the threshold from 2007 into a new year, 2008. For many this is an exciting time. This may be so because of the cycles of life demonstrated by the end of one year, the start of another. Or it can be the invitation and the prospect of starting new, starting fresh.
Regarding enthusiasm, one of the thoughts that come to mind relates to those people who become excited with what I call “the adventures of the new”. Following is an excerpt from Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It, which explains the lure of many things new.
Enthusiasm! Is caused by…
A new idea, activity, place to see or thing
Excitement, adventure, fun, expanding awareness, adding richness to our everyday lives are among some of the benefits of opening to the new. For some people it may be like having a blank canvas on which to apply new paints. For others, it is about learning and growing. Anything new may be a break from the day-to-day experiences of our lives. After all people, in general, are creatures of habit (avoiding change or finding comfort in the routine). There are some people who can give specific reasons as to why the adventures of the new cause them to be enthusiastic. Others are unable to articulate why; they simply know it does.
In many cases, the adventures of the new tap into a variety of things on subtle and even quantum levels. For example:
· Our senses are activated. We may see, feel, hear, touch, smell and taste things either that we never have before or in a different context.
· Our routines change so we begin creating new patterns. This often affects us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
· We take in and process the new information and experiences in a variety of ways. A natural tendency is to search for a frame of reference—have we had the same or similar experience before? If so, then the new one is put along side of the others. If not then a wide variety of processes take place in our brains, senses, body, etc. This involves outer and inner experiences. New patterns, energy imprints, mind and/or muscle memories, brain activity, thought processes… are just a few of the things taking place.
· We stay fresh, become refreshed, vital—opening the door to approach our everyday life experiences with a fresh approach.
· Adventures and experiences of the new ignite our creative spark in myriad ways touching all areas of our lives. This is so whether we are talking about critical thinking sills, seeking solutions, approaching relationships differently, becoming more flexible or being more relaxed.
* If this is one of the things that cause you to be enthusiastic, then take the time to make a list of the various things you can incorporate into your everyday life that are new or different. Don’t work the brain too hard; these are easy, common things. For instance, you could: find different routes to work, school, etc.; walk instead of drive; jog for several minutes if you usually walk; walk backwards (carefully); brush your teeth with the opposite hand as well as the opposite of your usual way; sing your name; make up words; put the blue or black ink aside and use colored pens (except for writing checks, that is); been sitting awhile, then put on some music and dance; if you usually dance to music, turn it off and dance to your inner rhythms; read books/watch shows/listen to music other than the usual; see what’s happening at the library, it’s amazing the variety of things offered free to the public; cook/eat different types of foods…are you getting the idea? Good!
* Is it new ideas or learning something new that excites you? Attend lectures; find or start study groups; read from a variety of genres; check out what is online regarding articles, classes, groups; explore some of the new discoveries in quantum science; schedule time to journal or contemplate provocative questions; watch various sports or activities you don’t normally engage in then look for ways to apply what you observe in your work or personal life. Studying inventors or entrepreneurs to discover how they do what they do connects us with the adventures of the new. Creating a list of alternatives can be another way to keep you going. Add to the list when you come across something that strikes your interest. Mark items off when you complete them.
* Is it new activities that ignite your spark? Consider some of the items mentioned above; check out local classes or centers that offer a wide variety of activities. If you usually engage in a particular type of activity, such as dancing or yoga, experience activities different from those, such as cooking or hiking. Also you can bring symbols of activities into your space via calendars, posters, travel brochures, souvenirs, etc.
* Is it a new place or thing that makes you happy? Well by the time you get to this section, you may already have begun generating ideas on things to do or places to go. Here are additional tips: Contact local Chambers of Commerce or Visitors’ Bureaus, which have loads of information about various activities, sites of interest, and background information. Libraries and bookstores sometimes have specialty sections that can help you target specific points or items of interest. Connect with people from the area of interest (for places) or collectors (for things) to get ideas of the unusual or unique aspects of the area or item of interest.
* Set the intent to see or experience more of what it is you are wanting, i.e., new ideas, new experiences, new types of activities, learning something new, visiting new places, etc. Clarity and specifics are highly recommended. You will find that intentions are powerful. Stating “I want to learn something new” may turn into an unplanned job change. Stating your intention, as “I want to learn Spanish” or “…to explore small towns across the Midwest while looking for antiques” will get you quite different results.
What causes you to be enthusiastic?
“Meeting someone or reading something that touches my very soul, it
awakens me.”
“I am learning something that fascinates me.”
“Friends, new projects, new places to see, new ideas.”
“New idea or project; rejuvenation of an old, tired project such as seeing a new angle or different perspective.”
May you find great joy and peace as you reflect on the above for your personal and professional life.
© 2008 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep ItSM,
Antoinette is also available for interviews, speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.