Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Enthusiasm! Insights

Harness the Dynamic Power of Enthusiasm!

Have you ever had trouble igniting that little spark within? What spark you ask? A very special spark, which brings forth joy and excitement—that spark called Enthusiasm!

Is it Important?
Any student of success, self-improvement, motivation, sales, personal and professional growth and development has found out the importance of being enthusiastic. It is always listed as a key ingredient in any endeavor whether personal, professional, spiritual and even financial. Besides, it can heighten creativity as well as cause you and those you come in contact with to feel good.

What Is It, Really?
Enthusiasm means different things to different people. Most often people use adjectives to describe it such as:

happy, energy, spark,
contagious, smiles , confidence,
zest, alive,
excitement, determined, passion,
radiant, vitality, creative

Keep in mind that different personality types express their enthusiasm in ways unique to them. Yes, you can be an introvert and be enthusiastic.

What Causes It?
More accurately stated, what causes people to reconnect with their awareness and experience of enthusiasm? This may vary depending on the individual and what is happening in their life. Different things spark enthusiasm at different times.

My research shows there are several specific ‘causes’. The more common ones include:

. working toward something.
. doing what you enjoy.
. achievement.
. challenges.
. a new idea or activity.
. people, especially those who are upbeat or enthusiastic.

Enthusiasm! Points to Ponder

Enthusiasm is to a person what gasoline is to the engine of an automobile;
the vital moving force…
~W. Clement Stone

It wasn’t until I began exploring enthusiasm in depth that I realized how little we know and understand about this powerful force, including:

As you can see, there is so much to know about and experience regarding enthusiasm. You owe it to yourself to harness this dynamic force. Start today by asking yourself how enthusiasm shows up for you.

About the author: Antoinette Webster, ME!, MBA, has been facilitating programs on and researching enthusiasm since 1990 and is author of the book Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself And Keep It and Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! Discovering what to do when your get up and go got up and went. She works with people and organizations in co-creating a system that works for getting and keeping enthusiasm. To discover how to harness your power of enthusiasm, contact Antoinette at Antoinette@ASystemthatWorks.com, 513.887.0600 or www.ASystemthatWorks.com.

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