Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Enthusiasm! @ Work
There are a variety of factors to consider when it comes to Enthusiasm @ Worksm. The first place to begin is with yourself, which was addressed in a previous article. Following is a brief overview of six keys to Enthusiasm @ Worksm from an individual perspective.
- Give yourself permission to explore and harness the power of your enthusiasm.
- Be with AWE!—Awareness, Willingness, Excitement.
- Honor your natural expression and experience of enthusiasm.
- Tune in to what causes you to be enthusiastic.
- Pay attention to Enthusiasm Zapperssm and identify what you can do to zap them before they zap you.
- Experiment with various ways for Igniting Your Spark SM of enthusiasm.
In this article, let’s move from the individual to the team. This is where it can get interesting. There are several things to consider in order to optimize your key resources, including:
Becoming clear on what you are truly working with. Too many organizations will refer to a collection of people as a team when what they really have is bunch of people working together. There is a huge difference between a work group and a team, between a committee and a team and how their work/results flow. This isn’t a good or bad thing. Though it is an important thing to do.
Encouraging regular dialog and conversation around Enthusiasm @ Worksm is another way to begin. Allowing an exchange of ideas and experiences creates awareness of the various characteristics of enthusiasm and enthusiastic people. Awareness helps to bust some of the myths. Awareness can pave the way to better understand how this power, energy and force reveals itself from an individual and group/team dynamic. Awareness and discussion often serve as magnets for more of the object of focus, in this case enthusiasm.
Creating a supportive environment can serve as fuel for individuals and teams. One of the quickest ways to dampen the spark of enthusiasm is with little or no ongoing support.
Respecting what each person brings to the group/team as they continue to discover and harness their enthusiasm. This begins to create a synergy that brings about powerful results. Another way to view this is playing to each person’s strengths. Eventually you could have everyone naturally working in sync. For some reason flocks of geese come to mind.
Adapting the six keys for Enthusiasm @ Worksm for individuals to your team. Get everyone involved in this process. After all they are the one’s directly affected.
Communicating effectively is essential. Clear, concise communication will guarantee forward movement, individually and collectively. I sense you already know what can happen with sloppy, ineffective communication.
Collaborating on how you are going to work together ensures cohesiveness. This would be akin to co-creating ground rules so everyone knows what is expected. Each person also has to opportunity to discuss what works for him or her and what doesn’t. Of course, the key is in everyone adhering to what is agreed upon collectively.
Having fun and celebrating milestones and successes also encourages and enhances enthusiasm in the workplace. This is more than just having a good time; it sends a powerful message. Remember everything we do matters. Everything makes a difference.
This is not an all inclusive list, yet it is a good start. So how does your ‘team’ compare?
Antoinette Webster M.E!, MBA, is the author of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! and the forthcoming Enthusiasm! @ Worksm series. She is a Master Enthusiast who has been facilitating programs, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990. As an Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Life/Balance/Spirit Coach+, Antoinette guides people and organizations to move through barriers so they can harness the power of enthusiasm. Also, she is the President of A System that Works, which focuses on professional and personal transformative growth and development. Visit
© 2006 Antoinette S. Webster, A System that Workssm. All Rights Reserved