Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Enthusiasm! @ Work

More Timely Tips for Engaging Enthusiasm! @ Worksm

The world of work seems to be moving at and even faster pace. People are faced with many opportunities and sometimes challenges within their work. Let us not forget that work is only one part of our lives. Here are some timely tips to assist you in keeping perspective and guide you in engaging enthusiasm in your personal and professional lives.

  1. Have a balanced lifestyle, at work and home. This is crucial to your overall effectiveness and health. Balance is possible especially when you set the intent and make it a priority.
  2. Communicate your needs clearly and concisely. It is okay to ask for what you want and need in order to do what you are being asked to do. Clarification can save enourmous amounts of time, energy, resources and good will.
  3. Keep communication lines open with all concerned. We are not mind readers. Ask questions; provide updates; check in every so often just to see how people are doing. This provides ways to make positive connections.
  4. Listen. Listen. Listen. Listen fully to what is being said. Listen with your eyes, ears and heart. Listen to what is not being said. There are different approaches to listening effectively. Discover your listening style with the Inscape Personal Listening Profile®, in order to capitalize on your listening style and adapt when necessary. Also, be sure to listen for what is being said and communicated, not just for what you want to hear.
  5. Enhance your influencing skills. The power of influence goes a long way especially when you come from a place of integrity, respect and compassion.
  6. Be clear about what is wanted and needed along with when and how it is needed. This applies to you first, then to others concerned and affected. Ask for clarification. Be mindful of all of your other work and personal demands.
  7. Keep your commitments. Provide a “heads up” when necessary. Refer to Timely Tips 2, 3, 6 and 10 for additional insights on how to keep your commitments. Keeping your commitments and communicating up front does a lot to boost your credibility.
  8. Keep things clutter free and tidy, including e-mail and computer files. Clutter can zap your energy and enthusiasm, steal your time, reduce effectiveness and cause stress.
  9. Be mindful of what you bring in to your physical space. Consider whether it supports you in some way or creates annoyance, stress or distraction.
  10. Set boundaries at work and home, including with yourself. Setting clear, strong boundaries with yourself and others is of extreme importance. Remember you are responsible for yourself; you are responsible to others.
  11. Honor your natural rythms and peak working periods throughout the day. Structure your work and day accordingly. This allows you to show up fully and appropriately. It also supports you in working on high value tasks/projects when you are at your best.
  12. Take several short breaks throughout the day. Even standing and stretching at your desk can refresh and renew. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Make a note on your calendar to take short breaks to enhance effectiveness.
  13. Look for ways to have fun! Yes fun at work is possible. And it serves to spark creativity, improve morale, reduce stress and increase producitvity. Not sure where to start, then check out Leslie Yerkes’ book, 301 Ways to Have Fun At Work.

I’ve provided a baker’s dozen of timely tips. Ask yourself, which of the above are you already doing well? Which ones do you need to fine tune or work on so they become a natural choice and habit? And finally, what would you add for your number 14 and 15 Timely Tips for Engaging Enthusiasm! @ Worksm?

Antoinette Webster M.E!, MBA, is the author of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! and the forthcoming Enthusiasm! @ Worksm series. She is a Master Enthusiast who has been facilitating programs, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990.

As an Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Life/Balance/Spirit Coach+, Antoinette guides people and organizations to move through barriers so they can harness the power of enthusiasm. Also, she is the President of A System that Workssm , which focuses on professional and personal transformational growth and development. Visit to find out more about our programs, personal profiles, products and services. Or contact Antoinette at 513.887.0600,
© 2006 Antoinette S. Webster, A System that Workssm. All Rights Reserved

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