Monday, October 09, 2006

Magnificent Monday Motivators

Magnificent Monday Motivatorssm ~ Mental/Cognitive Focus

I am a big fan of quotes and words of wisdom. Several come to mind regarding the mental/cognitive aspect of enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses a person to action.
~ W. Clement Stone

Me, my head. I think it therefore I AM! More of a process of thought, idea and
then physiology to look and act the part and feel it, not just the thought but
all of it.
~ Anonymous

…within yourself. If you act positively, live life with the right attitude and set your mind in the right direction, you have the basis from which enthusiasm is derived.
~ Anonymous

Related to this are some of the responses I have received to the question, “where does enthusiasm come from?”, along with my comments.

  • Enthusiasm is a mindset — this relates to our gift of choice.
  • Because you are thinking about it — our thoughts are powerful. Merely thinking about enthusiasm (joy, exuberance, fun, being energized, etc.) can evoke the feelings and actions that cause you to experience and express enthusiasm.
  • Being in the moment — enthusiasm is a present moment experience that allows you to be fully present and respond to the moment.
  • Dreams of what will occur — can relate to daydreams or night dreams. Visualizations are one form of ‘dreaming’.
  • Positive outlook; positive state of mind — we get what we focus on.
  • Remembrances — simply recalling times and events when you were enthusiastic can reconnect you with those thoughts and feelings.
  • Energy generated by good ideas — this one speaks for itself.
Another aspect of our thoughts is that little voice, or voices, that can support our efforts or tear away at our confidence. The tone of these can be positive and encouraging or nagging, critical, judgmental…Whichever it is for you in any moment, know that there is great power in our self-talk.

Here are a few tips and suggestions:

Observe the what, when, where, how and even who of the message/self-talk. By who, I mean inquire as to who is speaking. Often we discover that the ‘voice’ behind the words is a parent, teacher or someone other than ourself.

Keep a notebook or journal handy to write down what keeps coming to mind. Judgment isn’t a part of this. Writing them down provides a way to evaluate and gain information from a place of objectivity. Also should the same message/thought/self-talk come back, simply acknowledge it and state that you have it written down. Once the chatter calms, then ideas and fresh insights tend to emerge.

Take a mental bath. This concept came to me from a program participant. He shared that at the end of the day he allows the busyness, nags, etc. to wash away with a mental bath. The next he is able to start fresh.

Find quotes, inspirational insights, pictures or anything that you can use to shift your focus.

Think about and make note of what causes you to be enthusiastic and what you can do to recharge and rejuvenate.

This is all for now. May you have a splendid week.

With Joy & Enthusiasm!


(C) 2006 Antionette S. Webster, All Rights Reserved.

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