Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Enthusiasm! @ Work

Added Perspectives

The 2006 Enthusiasm! celebration and awareness creation throughout the month of October has come to a close. And it was a successful, insightful and inspiring event for me and all who participated.

There are many facets to my work, of which enthusiasm is only a part. Yet it is an important part, especially in light of our world today. My work with enthusiasm formally began in 1990. To this day I am intrigued with the new insights and added perspectives that come to me, personally, and shared by people I meet. This is why I keep stating that there is so much more to enthusiasm than what most people think.

Two specific things came forth during the 2006 Month of Enthusiasm! celebration that I’d like to share with you now. The first came during a radio interview when I was talking with the co-hosts about enthusiasm being a present moment experience. That is, when we open to and connect with the power, energy, force…of enthusiasm we are fully present in the moment where all is possible. Michael, one of the co-hosts, reflected for a moment. He then pointed out enthusiasm is a present moment experience that causes and allows us to be fully present to the moment—we are in the moment, present to what is taking place and responding appropriately. Hence you are in a flow state that opens to creativity, critical thinking, clarity, focus and a variety of other skills that support your responsiveness and response-ability.

Think about how this perspective can assist you throughout your everyday work flow. Think about how this perspective can assist your team or work group.

Another perspective came during a program I facilitated. Participants had the opportunity to share an insight or personal experience with regard to enthusiasm. One person talked about how true it is when people say “enthusiasm is contagious”. Now most often the contagious aspects of enthusiasm are discussed and implied as in relation to other people. However, this person goes on to say that when he is working on a project that is interesting and exciting to him, his enthusiasm carries over to other projects and things he has to do. They get done quicker and more easily than when he is not tapped into enthusiasm.

So there is a personal and an interpersonal aspect to enthusiasm being contagious.

Both of these added perspectives relate to another fact about enthusiasm. This is the fact that enthusiasm is also a vibration we open to. This vibration can be expanded and/or focused. It affects us personally, the things we do for ourselves, our work, our relationships, etc. The more we align with this the stronger our vibration becomes. Harnessing the power of your enthusiasm, personally and professionally, can be like strengthening a muscle. The more you exercise your muscle, the better you tune your frequency, the stonger it—your muscle/your vibration—becomes. And the benefits are limitless.

Antoinette Webster, M.E!, MBA, is the author of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! and the forthcoming Enthusiasm! @ Worksm
series. She is a Master Enthusiast who has been facilitating programs, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990.

As an Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Life/Balance/Spirit Coach+, Antoinette guides people and organizations to move through barriers so they can harness the power of enthusiasm. Also, she is the President of A System that Workssm , which focuses on professional and personal transformational growth and development. Visit to find out more about our programs, personal profiles, products and services. Or contact Antoinette at 513.887.0600,

© 2006 Antoinette S. Webster, A System that Workssm . All Rights Reserved

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