Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Enthusiasm @ Work

Enthusiasm! @ Worksm

…is another key to generating Enthusiasm! @ Work for yourself, co-workers, clients and vendors. The effects of gratitude are far-reaching and long lasting.

Expressing gratitude causes one to step out of the day-to-day routine and acknowledge someone for a kindness extended, help when needed or above and beyond ‘the call of duty’, timely words of encouragement, fresh ideas, a smile, etc.

Just about everybody appreciates hearing thank you. These two words are powerful because the people hearing/receiving the message come to know:

· what they do is important,
· what they do matters,
· what they do makes a difference.

Here are some tips to keep in mind.

For Yourself

· Take time to reflect, on a regular basis (daily, perhaps), on what you are thankful for related to your work. Be clear and specific. Really focus your thoughts and feelings toward gratitude and appreciation.

· Identify ways in which you have grown, honed your talents and abilities, learned new skills, met and worked with various people, achieved goals, and anything else that has made an impact. Focus on what made a difference for you, large or small. Often it is the little things that can have the biggest impact.

For Others

· Make it a habit to extend gratitude to others. This includes people at all levels and positions.

· Be sincere. A genuine expression of appreciation goes further than rote words that sound and feel empty.

· Be specific. Clearly stating why you are expressing gratitude lets people know you are being authentic. And you provide meaningful information to the recipient.

· Extend gratitude and appreciation at a time and in a way that it can be received fully. Telling someone as they are going out the door or are in the middle of meeting a deadline won’t have as much affect because they won’t be able to focus appropriately or take in fully what you are saying.

· Tune-in to various ways to express your gratitude, including: words, notes (handwritten), a small gift, etc. Also some people prefer privacy, while others are fine with public acknowledgement.

The more often you notice and express gratitude, the more such opportunities present themselves. Something else to keep in mind is that gratitude is a thought, a feeling and an expression. It is also a vibration that affects us, and those around us, on many levels and in powerful ways.

Antoinette Webster M.E!, MBA, is the author of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! and the forthcoming Enthusiasm! @ Worksm series. She is a Master Enthusiast who has been facilitating programs, researching and writing about enthusiasm since 1990. As an Author, Speaker, Facilitator and Life/Balance/Spirit Coach+, Antoinette guides people and organizations to move through barriers so they can harness the power of enthusiasm.

Also, she is the President of A System that Workssm, which focuses on professional and personal transformational growth and development. Visit to find out more about our programs, personal profiles, products and services. Or contact Antoinette at 513.887.0600,

© 2006 Antoinette S. Webster, A System that Workssm. All Rights Reserved

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