Friday, October 19, 2007
Enthusiasm Observed
Enthusiasm Observed
October is a month where many groups, causes, events, etc. are celebrated and honored. In addition to October being the Month of Enthusiasm! and National Decorative Painters Month, it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Shameless Self-Promotion Month, among many others.
People, groups and organizations have special months, weeks and days to create awareness. Many also have them to share information, celebrate success, invite others to join them and/or raise money for worthy causes.
One of the key things I have noticed is how people connected with these respective months are when they spread the word. Make note yourself of your own observations. Often you will see, feel and hear energy, passion, commitment, clarity of focus. Many others are sparked by these “ambassadors” in grand and subtle ways—their enthusiasm, passion and commitment are inspiring.
In the Flow of Celebration,
© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep ItSM, contact Antoinette today to at Info (at)
Antoinette is also available for speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.