Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Enthusiasm @ Work Shows Up in Many Ways

October 2007 Month of Enthusiasm!

Enthusiasm @ WorkSM Shows Up in Many Ways

Yes that’s right! Enthusiasm shows up in many ways at work and in the workplace. How many ways can you think of right now for yourself? Your colleagues? Your team? Your organization overall? Do you know what you can do to “stoke the fires” of enthusiasm for yourself and others? Now here is a biggie to consider: how would your clients and customers rate you on a scale of 1 – 10 for enthusiasm?

Hmmm. There definitely is a lot to consider. Many of you reading this probably responded, “it depends”. “It depends” is the default response to most questions, especially when one is concerned about delving into the honest answers. “It depends” can also relate to the myriad factors beyond our control, or perceived to be beyond our control.

A few things to bear in mind include:

1. You are responsible for you, your attitudes and your actions. Each one of us has been blessed with the gift of choice in our personal and professional lives. Choose wisely.

2. Whether you refer to it as enthusiasm or something else, everyone has this magnificent power/energy/force; it is innate within each of us. Embrace it.

3. You owe it to yourself to discern what causes you to be enthusiastic. Related to this is clarity on what brings you joy, satisfaction and pleasure. Knowing these things serves you well, especially at work.

4. Sometimes there are circumstances or events that arise which interfere with our enthusiasm, even zapping our energy and diminishing our productivity. You may already know what some of these are. Identifying them is the first step to taking control so you can tap into your well of enthusiasm. This also paves the way for reclaiming your personal power.

5. How we show up affects those around us along with all whom we come in contact. And we can be affected by others, positively or negatively.

As I was engaged in writing my first book on the topic of enthusiasm, I had the opportunity to review numerous Enthusiasm Survey results, in a comprehensive format along with results for individual questions. This proved to be quite a fascinating process. It seems appropriate to share with you now some of the individual responses as they relate to work.

For these people, Enthusiasm is

“A happy desire to contribute and be a part of life.”

“…substantial and rewarding work…”

“Knowing that I truly enjoy doing what I am about to be doing.”

“The feeling of success and satisfaction I get when I get into the task and finish it.”

“The opportunity to do that which I do well and feel passionate about.”

“Being close to a major goal—thinking about accomplishing something significant.”

Let’s pause here for a moment. Now can you imagine how rewarding work can be for these people? Consider how you might respond if these people worked with or for you. Then think about how your organization would be represented by these people and the goodwill created.

Here are more responses to review in considering what might cause someone to be enthusiastic.

“New idea or project; rejuvenation of an old, tired project such as seeing a new angle or different perspective.”

This sounds like this person enjoys the adventures of the new, which can include looking at something in a new way. I sense this also sparks their creativity, solution seeking and initiative. They could also be motivated by a good challenge.

“Anytime I see excellence in action…from the guy who helps me carry the groceries to the car, to the woman who helps me clean every so often, their attitude sparks mine.”

Two thoughts come to mind with this comment. First, we never know how our actions may affect someone else, even when we are ‘just doing our job’. Second, acknowledging how we have been ‘sparked’ by another, for the better, is a powerful awareness. There are gifts around us all the time. Give yourself permission to see and receive them.

The above comments relate to individuals. Following are examples of Enthusiasm! @ WorkSM as identified by Co-workers & Colleagues when asked who they considered to be the most enthusiastic person they know:

"A person who works for me, Amy. Completely enjoys people, events, and projects."

"My boss, she is very seldom down and always finds good things to say and do for others. She is very sincere."

"The group that I work with—have such an upbeat and positive attitude and they give of themselves without any thanks expected."

"Probably my boss (however I know he is probably sincere but he comes across as phony). I have a different metabolism than he does. To me he is high strung and he expects everyone else to be like him."

This last comment is interesting. The person who wrote this makes several valid points. We are different in many respects. This is especially true when it comes to the experience and expression of enthusiasm. To expect someone else to act the same as us is a great disservice, especially at work. Morale, productivity and profitability will all be affected—positively or negatively depending on the expectations we place on others.

As you have seen by now enthusiasm shows up in many ways at work and in the workplace. As you go forward, consider how you may harness the power of enthusiasm at work for you.

With Joy & Enthusiasm!


P.S. Check out previous Enthusiasm! @ WorkSM posts on this blog for additional information and tips related to the above, especially: Where & How To Begin (10/11/06), How Does Your Team Compare (10/18/06) and More Timely Tips for Engaging Enthusiasm! @ Work (10/25/06).

© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm @ WorkSM, contact Antoinette today to at Info (at)

Antoinette is also available for interviews, speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.

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