Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! @ Work
Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! @ WorkSM
Enthusiasm plays such a key role in the enhanced productivity, prosperity and effectiveness at work for the individual, team or work group, managers and leaders. It also extends to clients, customers and vendors with regard to how you interact with them and in how they perceive you and your organization.
Following is a quick checklist for various ways you can ignite the spark of enthusiasm for yourself and your team.
Igniting the Spark of Enthusiam!SM for Yourself
. Set goals, big or small it helps to have something to work towards
. Look to the end of a project at desired outcomes to build momentum
. Become excited about the task or project at hand, genuine excitement is energizing
. Enjoy a variety of activities, some behavioral styles thrive on variety; variety can serve to keep one fresh and creative
. Smile, yes a smile works wonders for yourself, often sparking others to smile
. Relate to and empathize with others, you may find similarities or learn something new
. Be comfortable in your environment, this is essential.
. Find the humor; look for the good—both are there in abundance
. Avoid toxic people (don’t let them get to you)
. Solve problems/find solutions. Solution seekers tap into creativity, innovation and tend to take initiative more often.
. Have some sort of a “fun” day each month in whatever ways you define fun.
. Celebrate successes, big or small you owe it to yourself to acknowledge what you have done and what it took for you to get where you are.
Igniting the Spark of Enthusiam!SM for Your Team or Work Group
. Set goals for the team and then break things down to smaller parts so each person on your team can play to their strengths. Getting the team involved in this process increases buy-in and success.
. Look to the end of a project at desired outcomes to build momentum. Looking at where you want to go from where you are right now provides the opportunity to map out what everyone involved needs and needs to do to achieve desired outcomes in an effective, efficient manner.
. Talk about work and quality factors, after all you get what you focus on
. Find humor throughout your day and your collaborative efforts. Humor promotes clarity and creativity. Also, laughter is good exercise.
. Look for the good, individually and collectively. A wonderful quote by the wise sage Anonymous comes to mind: “That which you are seeking is seeking you.”
. Have incentives to excel. Find out what everyone deems as approptiate incentives, often it is something no/low-cost and simple.
. Help others discover “what’s in it for them”. People are willing to do what they can when they understand what is behind what they are being asked to do as well as their role in successful completion.
. Show and discuss benefits for team specific and company-wide items.
. Solve problems/find solutions. Three simple questions that can help with this are: What went well? What could we do differently? What might we want to continue doing?
. Match people to their talents.
. Match people to their interests.
. Match people to what causes them to be enthusiastic.
. Have some sort of “fun” day each month. Consider having team members take turns or partner with someone else on the team in determining what it might be, on a volunteer basis, of course. After all, no one wants to be forced to have fun.
. Celebrate successes, individual and team; big and small.
Keep these lists handy and add to them so you are continually Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm @ WorkSM in fun and fresh ways.
© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm @ WorkSM, contact Antoinette today to at Info (at)
Antoinette is also available for speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.