Monday, October 01, 2007

Month of Enthusiasm! Kickoff

October 2007
Month of Enthusiasm! Kickoff

Once again I am pleased to announce that October is the Month of Enthusiasm! Watch for daily blog posts Monday through Friday for explorations, tips, insights, etc., related to creating a deeper awareness of enthusiasm.

Often I am asked if celebrating and creating awareness of enthusiasm during the month October is something I invented. I’d like to take full credit for this; yet I cannot. There have been various references to October as the official month for enthusiasm awareness throughout my research. As the self-proclaimed Ambassador of Enthusiasm!, I have chosen to officially honor this month in a variety of ways. One of them is through this blog. Another has been via sharing my research, insights, personal experiences and those experiences of program participants. I’ve written two books on the topic with more to come.

Why? The answer to why is easy. There is more to enthusiasm than what most people think. This more involves the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of us. Also there are specific and distinct ‘causes’ of enthusiasm for each of us. Every program I facilitate, article I write and person I meet brings about new discoveries on enthusiasm, as well as, confirmation of previous ones.

Thank You for joining me in the celebration, discovery, uncovery, remembering and…throughout October 2007.



© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It (SM), contact Antoinette today to at Info (at)

Antoinette is also available for speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or Info (at) to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.

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