Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Two More Myths about Enthusiasm!

Two More Myths about Enthusiasm!

Myth #3: You should always be enthusiastic.

This sounds nice, though I don’t think it is a realistic expectation. Of course a lot depends on how enthusiasm is defined, what causes a person to be enthusiastic, how enthusiasm is expressed and how he or she chooses to deal with the ebb and flow of life.

Myth #4: Enthusiasm is something other people have.

There are so many factors that could lead to someone making this type of statement. This may be the perception that many people hold because of how they interpret their experiences and interactions with others. My response to this is throughout the book. As I think about it, this may be one of the reasons the programs and this book came to be.

Begin now to live with enthusiasm everyday in your life and work.

**From Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It © 2005 Antoinette S. Webster www.ASystemthatWorks.com.

Note: See the Friday, October 05, 2007 posting for Myths 1 & 2 under
Two Myths about Enthusiasm!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Going Forward with Enthusiasm!

Going Forward with Enthusiasm!

The 2007 celebration of the Month of Enthusiasm! has come to an end. It was a great month.

People often ask me if October is the only time they are to be enthusiastic. Naturally the answer is "of course not", because enthusiasm is always with us. And it is in our best interest to continue to open to, hone, harness the power of, explore, discover, remember, reconnect with... our gift/power/energy/force and flow of enthusiasm throughout the year.

In going forward, give yourself permission to continually tap into your well of enthusiasm. Remember, too, that it is natural to experience the various levels of enthusiasm and other emotions that ebb and flow in our everyday livingness.

Many articles, tips and insights have already been posted on this Enthusiasm4U blog. You can review them on a periodic basis. Also more postings will be added. Set the intention now to become aware of the myriad ways you and those around you are enthusiastic. If you haven't done so already, pick up a copy of Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep It and Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm! Discovering what to do when your get up and go got up and went.

May you go forward knowing that you have already set things in motion simply by showing up, saying yes thus far.

Many blessings to you and in all areas of your life.

With Joy & Enthusiasm!


© 2007 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
To find out more about Enthusiasm! How To Draw It To Yourself & Keep ItSM, contact Antoinette today to at Info (at) ASystemthatWorks.com.

Antoinette is also available for interviews, speaking engagements, keynotes and spouse programs along with training programs, retreats and workshops. And she works with a limited number of individuals and groups for ongoing coaching. Contact her at 513.887.0600 or
Info (at) ASystemthatWorks.com to schedule a program for your organization—in person or by teleseminar—or an appointment for a private session.

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