Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Enthusiasm & Joy
* enthusiasm and creativity
* enthusiasm and energy
* enthusiasm and joy
* enthusiasm and success
and this is just for starters.
As serendipity often goes, I came across the following as I was looking through my files for something completely different:
Neale Donald WalschMay your journey be one of great joy.On this day of your life...know that enthusiasm is half of the journey to success, and all of the journey to joy.
If you're going to do something, do it with gusto. Don't do anything half-heartedly. That dishonors the doing and the doer. So go for it. Hold nothing back. In life. Or love. Or anything at all.
© 2010 A System that Works,
Labels: Enthusiasm, enthusiasm quotes, Joy, Motivation, Neale Donald Walsch
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday Sparks
Labels: Awareness, causes of enthusiasm, Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Enthusiasm! Insights & Wisdom
" To be without zeal is to be without the zest for living..."
Labels: Charles Fillmore, Enthusiasm, enthusiasm quotes, The 12 Powers, zest for life
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Enthusiasm! Points to Ponder
"...When we are enthusiastic, we move with an affirmative energy that propels us to skillfully and joyously meet all that comes into our experience. We explore the life lessons in our experiences, welcome them, and take them to heart.
Enthusiasm is not something you have to create; it is an organic quality of your consciousness. You have only to invite it forth, to let it arise from within you and let it fuel your endeavors, your creative expressions and your interactions with others..."
Labels: Enthusiasm, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Spiritual Liberation, Thoughts on Enthusiasm
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday Sparks!
Labels: Awareness, Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Focus, quality of life
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Enthusiasm! Insights and Wisdom
* ...one of The 17 Principles of Personal Achievement according to Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich? According to Hill,
" Enthusiasm is an emotion, the physical counterpart of our ideas. It begins and ends in our mind. Enthusiasm is harmony, confidence. When you feel yourself taking hold of a definite idea, a definite plan, then you become enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is a feeling of confidence, an awareness of a relationship between oneself and the source of power to achieve. Speak with enthusiasm and positiveness, move with confidence, and observe how enthusiasm grows and spreads to others..."
Labels: Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Napoleon Hill, Personal Achievement, Think and Grow Rich
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Enthusiasm Zapped? Revitalize Now
One of the areas of focus for the 2010 Month of Enthusiasm! is looking at some of the barriers that may interfere with the flow/connection/expression of enthusiasm. The various roles and demands of our everyday lives, personally and professionally, can cause us to feel as if our enthusiasm has been zapped and wondering...
What to do when your get up and go got up and went SM
Here are suggestions for zapping the Zappers:
· Be honest. It’s okay. Almost everyone experiences them.
· Break them down. For example: communication and stress have many aspects; so, what is it specifically about either of these that zaps your enthusiasm?
· Make note of them along with any key insights related to the experience(s) and how you overcame them. This is one form of continuous improvement, which ensures we practice self-care. It also is a helpful reminder when we get involved with the natural ebb and flow of life.
· Identify three things you do to refresh and rejuvenate, i.e., ignite your spark of enthusiasm…
in your personal life
@ work
Make it a point to do one or all of them on a regular basis. Continue to add to the list as you remember or discover additional things.
To reclaim your power, Be with AWE!
Awareness…is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.
Willingness…opens the door to greater things.
Enthusiasm…enables you to connect with your core essence.
Watch for more tips and resources for Revitalizing and staying connected to your natural flow of enthusiasm.
Labels: Awakening to Enthusiasm, communication, revitalize, stress reduction
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Enthusiasm! Wisdom & Insight
You do not have to like what is going on in your life, but you must accept that it is going on...Failure to accept reality is a denial of your power to make a conscious choice. When you do not choose, you live by default. You are a victim of circumstances.
Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself, and know that everything in life has purpose.There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.
Labels: Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm, Personal Power, power of choice, silence
Monday, October 11, 2010
Monday Sparks!
"Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses a person to action, it is contagious and effects not only the enthused, but everyone with whom he or she comes in contact…Enthusiasm is to a person what gasoline is to the engine of an automobile; the vital moving force…If you mix enthusiasm with your work, it will never be difficult or monotonous. It will be fun and exciting…"
Did you know?
…It wasn’t until I began delving into studying enthusiasm that I realized how little many of us know and understand about the subject. Some basic awarenesses include:
* Everyone has enthusiasm. It is innate within us.
* Different personality types and behavioral styles express enthusiasm in different ways.
* Enthusiasm is often thought of in positive terms; though a small percentage of people view it negatively.
* There is a short-term and a long-term focus.
* The physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic aspects of your beingness are affected. Enthusiasm is holistic.
* Enthusiasm is a powerful gift and tool. Everyone has the ability to generate it in themselves and others.
There is so much to know about and experience with enthusiasm. You owe it to yourself to harness this dynamic force within you and in your life. Start today by asking yourself how enthusiasm shows up in your life.
Listen here for the audio version of this Monday Spark. Also feel free to download this so you have it readily available when you need a boost, reminder or...
Igniting the Spark!
© 2010 Antoinette S. Webster. All rights reserved.
Labels: Enthusiasm, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Enthusiasm & Creativity
higher levels of creativity and innovation, which has a natural, strong link to accessing enthusiasm along with cognitive, and often intuitive, abilities.
It's like creativity fuels enthusiasm, which fuels creativity, which affects and enhances other skills and abilities.
In Fascination & Intrigue,
Labels: Awakening to Enthusiasm, Creativity, innovation
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Enthusiasm! Wisdom/Thoughts
"Enthusiasm dances in the blood stream of the great saints and sages and all the true leaders of the world. Enthusiasm enables a person to realize his goal. Enthusiasm makes you soar. When you become awre of your own great capacity for enthusiasm, you realize there is something sacred within you."
Labels: Empowerment, engagement, Enthusiasm, enthusiasm quotes, imagination, Motivation, zeal
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Getting & Keeping Enthusiasm!
Following are things to consider when in the midst of change and transition.
* Change is a natural, normal part of life.
"People don’t resist change; they resist transition. It is difficult to leave behind the “old” ways, even if the new way is exciting and appealing. People resist the loss of their identity (and sense of security)... "
~ William Bridges
Labels: Change and Transition, Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm How To Draw It To Yourself and Keep It, Resiliency
Monday, October 04, 2010
Monday Sparks
Today is the official launch of the Monday Sparks (audio), as part of the 2010 Month of Enthusiasm! Igniting the (Sustaining) Spark...celebration and awareness campaign.
Listen here to get your week off to a good start with this Monday Spark. Also feel free to download this so you have it readily available when you need a boost, reminder or...
Labels: Empowerment, Enthusiasm, Igniting the Spark of Enthusiasm, Month of Enthusiasm
Friday, October 01, 2010
October is the month of Enthusiasm!
That's right and in honor of The Month of Enthusiasm! I am offering a variety of complimentary (free) programs*, including:
10/5/10 Enthusiasm! How To Get & Keep It
3-4 p.m. Teleseminar
7-8 p.m. West Chester (OH) Public Library, Rm. C
10/12/10 Enthusiasm Zapped? Revitalize Now!
3-4 p.m. Teleseminar
7-8 p.m. West Chester (OH) Public Library, Rm. C
10/19/10 Enthusiasm! @ Work
3-4 p.m. Teleseminar
10/26/10 Enthusiasm! @ Work for Sales Success
3-4 p.m. Teleseminar
Discover the many ways you can ignite the spark of enthusiasm for yourself and others!
* pre-register for one or all sessions.
ASW is happy to bring one or all of these seminars to your organization or group, either in person or virtually. Contact Antoinette Webster for details at Info (at) ASystemthatWorks (dot) com or www.ASystemthatWorks.com
Labels: Enthusiasm, Enthusiasm at Work, Month of Enthusiasm, revitalize, Sales Success, teleseminars